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FREE - for a limited time! Welcome to the future of Internet travel, BonziBUDDY Rewritten ! The new way to interact with your computer! He's your interactive friend and traveling companion on the Internet! He walks, talks, sings, browses and searches the Internet with you. He learns your likes and interests and automatically finds web sites you have not yet discovered! The more you use him, the smarter he becomes! BonziBUDDY Rewritten retails for $40, but for a limited time, you may download and install the full version of BonziBUDDY Rewritten just for visiting our site! Enjoy!

Click here for MaxALERT Rewritten

Welcome to the world of MaxALERT Rewritten ! He will deliver late breaking virus & hacker news right to your desktop! His goal in life is to protect you! Plus, he can even talk, fly, browse and search like no other friend you've ever had!  Best of all, he's FREE!  MaxALERT Rewritten retails for $40, but for a limited time, you may download and install the full version of MaxALERT Rewritten just for visiting our site! Enjoy! 

Click here for BlobBUDDY

FREE - for a limited time! Welcome to the future of CyberBullying, BlobBUDDY! The new way to interact with your computer! He's your interactive enemy and nuisance on the Internet! He walks, talks, sings, browses and searches the Internet without you. He learns your likes and interests and makes fun of you for them! The more you use him, the more you feel offended! BlobBUDDY retails for $999,999,999.99, but for a limited time, you may download and install the full version of BlobBUDDY just for visiting our site! Enjoy!

Click here for PeedyBUDDY

FREE - for a limited time! PeedyBUDDY is a friend and traveling companion on the Internet! He talks with you, browses, searches, and explores the Internet as your sidekick. With his built-in artificial intelligence, he learns from your likes and interests! PeedyBUDDY retails for $40, but for a limited time, you may download and install the full version of PeedyBUDDY just for visiting our site! Enjoy!

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Original BonziBUDDY Copyright 1995 - 2002 BONZI.COM Software, Rewritten version Copyright 2018 - 2025 TMAFE. TMAFE IS NOT AFFILIATED WITH BONZI SOFTWARE AND DID NOT MAKE THE BONZI CHARACTER. BlobBUDDY and MaxALERT Rewritten were developed by Konnor88, with BonziBUDDY Rewritten being developed by maddox5081.